Friday, April 3, 2009

Thank You

I just wanted to write a small blurb. Do you mind?
I did not think so.

Thank You God, for sending Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I was not yet alive, but you KNEW I needed that done. I could not imagine, the pain and anguish Jesus went through.  Yet, he did just so that I 2009 years later, would be going to Heaven. I believe we are really in the last days as we know them. I am so ready for Christ to come right now! 

I am thankful for such wonderful programs such as RUI. Click on the link either the one I just posted or the one that will be in side bar to understand what that program is. It is so much more then having addictions to drugs or alcohol. It is for folks that have strongholds. Strongholds can be anything, some examples could include: anger, procrastination, over-eating, smoking, or any number of what you struggle with.  It really does help you get into your bible and learn how to walk with Christ. It really is a great program. So if you are struggling, check it out. I urge you to do so. It is life changing. It has changed my life. It has even changed my husband's and my children's lives. Without a doubt, this is a much better program then NA and AA. I have been apart of both of those.  RUI is the largest faith based program in the US. You can find a list of where the programs are held via the website. They even have an online forum, if you can not find one near you. 

I am so thankful for my husband. My husband grounds me, he keeps me humble. He loves me unconditionally. Like I love him. Even when I mess up as a wife, and let me tell you, that is an almost daily thing, he just loves me and forgives me.

I am thankful that God sent me such wonderful friends. I have a few good friends that I just adore and love. We have fun together and we are so similar in a lot of ways. Then I have a few friends who are much wiser then I(and older, I might add), so different then I, but we click. They truly love the Lord, you can just see it in their walk. The one I am currently thinking about, she is a single mama to some children.  Those children just love their mom, and she loves them. I love spending time with her and I take with me how to be a better mama, I do not think she truly knows what a blessing she is to me. I do not see her as often as I would like, especially now that I have moved, and I miss her very much. So, my friend ( I wont make her go pink in the cheeks her by naming her) I love you and thank God daily for you.


  1. oh honey♥ i was reading along, thinking: what a sweet post! then i came to the end..aww, what a special friend you are! you know how much i love you, dear♥

    have a wonderful, joyful, blessed day sweetie!

  2. Man, I wish you lived closer to me. :-))) We would be the best of friends.
